Open letter to:
- Citizens,
- Members of local, national and international solidarity organizations,
- Academics and employees of higher education institutions,
- Political parties’ officials,
- Local and regional elected officials,
- Deputies and Senators,
- Foreign intelligence services,
- Consuls and Ambassadors,
- Ministers,
- Heads of states
From all the countries of the world
Proposal of concrete ideas for societal development within territories, national cohesion, international cooperation and the influence of all nations without superiority over each other
Dear ladies and sirs,
I was a hidden candidate for the 2022 French presidential election,
- With an atypical profile (multidisciplinary engineer and social entrepreneur) and close to the French due to my rich experience,
- Outside of any existing political framework and any cleavage (without party or label),
- With a vision and a concrete action plan (results of more than 14 years of work) which, with certainty, will prove to be the most relevant and the most successful and above all the most unifying. This vision and this plan will appeal to the municipalities of France as well as the international community.
For several years, I have been carrying out a transnational program for major societal change, the EL4DEV program, providing real operational and organizational solutions for France, Europe and the whole world (without any superiority of one nation over another).
I have a structured and coherent political vision for France and have designed an application mechanism capable of profoundly modifying all the codes of French society and modifying the very foundations of international cooperation.
My objective is to provide a highly stimulating framework and adequate participatory tools to initiate new decentralized mass cooperation (at the level of the territories, the nation and the international) and quantifiable and modelable progress actions to thus positively transform the socio-political-organizational and cultural environment of France and the rest of the world (by imitation).
My program brings a new geostrategic positioning of France in the world (i.e. a modification of its relationship to the world).
Under the governance that I propose, the image of France is that of a vast, highly participatory project, a vector of national cohesion and a societal model for other nations.
The France that I am promoting is a societal, creative, cultural, agricultural and tourist nation in which the municipalities will now benefit from complete autonomy and real sovereignty with the possibility of competing with the private sector.
The keystone of my action plan is the revitalization of territories (especially the most isolated) through inter-municipal cooperation at local, national and international level as well as unprecedented development of the voluntary sector and the social and solidarity economy.
My ambitious, complex and atypical plan is revealed online! Terraforming, meaning the rehabilitation and improvement of our planet's atmosphere and ecosystems through:
- A massive and expansive vegetation (without technology and thanks to a vast network of interconnected agro-climatic tourist infrastructures on the five continents),
- Intellectual and artistic cross-national cooperation events,
- An increased self-sufficiency of small municipalities around the world,
- The creation of what I call "Political Societal Unions" to generate national cohesion and bring about international peace (the key players in the process of this “societal diplomacy” are the municipalities).
I affirm that we are facing clear signs of the collapse of our societies. However, the turbulence experienced is useful for raising awareness on a global level.
As a social engineer, I affirm that it is time for a new actor to embody the collective destiny of peoples and become the main element in the construction of social cohesion, redistribution and solidarity. I therefore decided to create a last-ditch alternative, in other words a counter-power.
All countries are concerned by my approach and my actions.
For several months, I asked, without sufficient results, the mayors of France for the necessary collection of 500 signatures for an official candidacy for the French presidential election of 2022.
But much more than the French local elected officials, there are many actors of various ranks on the national and international level that I have already canvassed because I have been massively communicating in French, English and Spanish for several years.
The men/women of the various political parties, deputies and senators, political journalists as well as many academics and other employees of French higher education establishments know me well.
I am also known to several political/state actors and academics of different ranks abroad (Spain, Portugal, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Singapore, Nigeria, Taiwan, Cameroon, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Cambodia, Madagascar, Ethiopia, Russia, China, India, Brazil, Koreas, Japan, Turkey, South Africa, Greece, Sweden, Iceland, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Bangladesh, Finland, Norway, Lebanon, Iran, Mongolia, United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, Malaysia, Belarus, Egypt, Syria, Moldova, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Chad, Niger, Burkina-Faso, Mauritania, Senegal, Mali, Ivory Coast, Central African Republic, Gabon, Guinea-Bissau, Benin, Togo, Rwanda, United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Pakistan and many other countries on 5 continents) simply because I approached them (via their embassies and consulates throughout the world, their various ministries, institutions and local government bodies as well as their higher education institutions).
At present, I am still obscured by the French media although some precursors from Cameroon, my country of birth, childhood and origin at 50%, have written about me. Rest assured that this voluntary occultation will not last long.
I therefore continually carry out decentralized diplomatic actions (outside any state framework) with the few means at my disposal (public communication on the internet, targeted bulk email blast all over the world, meetings with non-political public figures, books…).
Paul Elvere DELSART is a French Social engineer, an Eco-entrepreneur, the Director of the Multidisciplinary Participatory Engineering and social construction Program named EL4DEV, a Publisher of Anticipation novels and short stories (Social science fiction – Speculative fictions) in real environments and a self-taught Artist. He is notably the author of the Social fiction universes and sub-universes called the Green Empire of the East and the West (the EL4DEV Confederation), LE PAPILLON SOURCE, The Vegetal Calderas and The Civilization of Cats. He uses social fiction to trigger social innovation. In particular, He assumes his role as a visionary entrepreneur by developing solutions to social, environmental and diplomatic problems to ultimately create innovative and interconnected social enterprises and then a new development model.
I need operational support from everyone to make my vision and my international action plan known to as many people as possible.
I do not act exclusively for France but for all the nations of the world.
Here are the details of the program that I presented to the French during this presidential election of 2022:
I self-published in mid-January 2022, a book (politico-societal essay) exposing my international societal vision as well as my political program (the first of a long series) – Actually only in French:
The Grand White Paper of the Think and Do Tank LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV, a new Intellectual Start-up and Social Innovation Lab with international action and concrete action plans.
A 117-page book, 100% FREE to view and/or download online (no forms, no email request).
A Mechanism of National Cohesion for a Profound Transformation of Individuals, Communes/Municipalities, and Nations.
Fundamental Principles of a Concrete Solution to Societal Challenges.
#thinktank #startup #solution #idea #laboratory #change #society #peace #international #development #transformation #project #plan
"Welcome to a fascinating journey through the revolutionary initiatives of the Think and Do Tank LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV. This book, a compilation of information sheets, aims to be an instructive and indispensable guide for anyone wishing to understand and participate in the profound transformation of our world. Through social and environmental innovation, we invite you to discover how we can, together, reshape our societies for a better future."
Book in HTML format for viewing online
Google Drive link (to
view online in PDF format)
EL4DEV PDF platform
(to download in PDF format)
Other links (to view
online and download in PDF format)
Boards (French and English)
Beacons (English)
LinkTree (all my blogs in French, English and Spanish)
My books (in French, English and Spanish)
Presentation of the founder and program director
Open letters
Action plan and projects
Live-Action Role Playing Game (LARP) in Alternate Reality: Green Empire of the East and the West
Press kits, White papers and Press review
News feed
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VKontakte (VK)
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Buy my books (in French, English and Spanish)
Paul Elvere Valérien DELSART
Founder, chief engineer and director of the participatory and socio-political multidisciplinary engineering program "EL4DEV"
Founder, chief engineer and director of the sub-program of interconnected tourist towns and agro-climatic eco-landscape structures "LE PAPILLON SOURCE"
Founder, chief engineer and director of the decentralized inter-municipal cooperation sub-program "THE MUNICIPALITIES COUNTER-ATTACK"
Founder and chief engineer of vertical eco-landscaped structures that generate humidity and microclimates called "THE GREEN / VEGETAL / PLANT CALDERAS"
Founder of the concept of "SOCIETAL DIPLOMACY"
Founder of the “Second Renaissance movement EL4DEV”
Designer of the EL4DEV Information System and the EL4DEV Strategic Deployment Tool
Founder and president of the French non-profit organization named "LE PAPILLON SOURCE EL4DEV" (Think tank)
Designer of the universe of the EL4DEV Confederation otherwise called the Green Empire of the East and the West
Publisher of literary works based on the universe of the EL4DEV Confederation otherwise called the Green Empire of the East and the West
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